Computer Genealogy
Genealogy - the study of family history and lineages - used to be an arcane hobby, pursued
by people with an accountant's craving for detail, and an affinity for dust. The personal computer
has transformed this into an exciting reason to get together with your distant cousins.
All the dirty, boring recordkeeping on little 3"x5" index cards that would always get mixed up,
has given way to hyperlinked databases that show lineage relationships graphically and allow easy searching.
The Mormon Church (see below) has many great resources.
Family Tree for Lars Poulsen
This covers myself, my daughter and my wife's family, so I have picked a couple of
different starting points,
allowing you to quickly get to each major section.
Tools for Family Trees
If you want to work on this, you will need some tools, living on either your computer or on the web.
Probably both.
Tools to run on your computer
As with all other computer related questions, the best tools last year are probably not the
best tools next year, as computers evolve, companies go out of business, and new tools become
available. Here are some of the ones that I know of:
- Legacy Family Tree - This is what I use.
The somewhat restricted "standard edition" is free, but the "DeLuxe edition" is
only 35 USD, if you are willing to take a PDF file for the 300+-page user manual
(USD 80 if you want the manual on paper).
- Import and export GEDCOM
- Print forms and reports in many languages (including Danish)
- Owned by MyHeritage.com (see below).
- Family Tree Maker
Family Tree Maker has been around since around 1990, but is still
actively maintained. Costs USD 80 to USD 100;
this site is dedicated to users of that program but has many generally
useful resources.
- Available in Mac and Windows versions
- Integration with Ancestry.com (one-click synchronization)
- FamilySearch.org
The great Mormon genealogy resource.
- Ancestry.Com
Large commercial genealogy publishing house.
- MyHeritage.com
A European collection of personal family trees, augmented with links
national archives and other public records.
- Archives.com
A subscription-based collection of database resources.
The Church of Latter-Day Saints of Jesus Christ
(popularly called the Mormon Church) pursues family history research as a religious duty;
Mormon doctrine states that families can be together in Eternity, but only of they are
baptized into the Church. Mormon doctrine allows baptism by proxy of dead ancestors
under certain conditions. It is thus incumbent on the faithful to identify ancestors who
may qualify.
To aid in this mission, a huge historical research effort is sponsored by
the LDS Church, and the research libraries supporting this effort are
available to other genealogists, who are encouraged to share their data.
The entry to this fountain of information is the "International Genalogical
Index" (IGI) published on a set of about a hundred CD-ROM discs,
available for searching at each of several hundred Family History
Centers worldwide and on-line at
Revision history:
$Log: index.htm,v $
Revision 1.5 2001/01/20 21:10:40 lars
*** empty log message ***
Revision 1.4 2000/06/13 07:00:05 lars
Link to FamilySearch.Org
Revision 1.3 2000/06/13 06:36:41 lars
Add GEDCOM based family tree in HTML to page.
Revision 1.2 1999/06/26 22:45:43 lars
CMC.COM Site Re-Org.