Henry Cyrillus Schweinefus and Mary Peyer


Show ancestor chart for Henry Cyrillus Schweinefus


Show ancestor chart for Mary Peyer

Henry Cyrillus Schweinefus

Born , 1862 ; Lefel, West Germany

Died Yes


  • @NI2182@

Mary Peyer

Born , 1866 ; Festina, Iowa

Died Yes

Census record , 22 Aug 1870 ; Ossian PO, Military TWP, Winneshiek Co., Iowa

  • Age at this event:3

Census record , 1 Jun 1880 ; Military TWP, Winneshiek Co., Iowa

  • Age at this event:13


  • @NI2146@


Information on this union

Married , 5 Jul 1887 ; Ossian, Winnesheik, Iowa

  • @NF1980@

Children from this union

Family tree last modifed on 17 Feb 2023 .

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