Charities We Support

Lars Poulsen - 2000-10-31

(I wrote this 20 years ago. One of these days I will post an updated version.)

Our Church

Like most families, this is our greatest item of giving. We hope it is for you, too.

United Way

Your local United Way board collects contributions in your community and redsitributes them to local groups that do good work for children, for the poor, for battered women etc. They know the groups and the needs better than most of us can hope to keep up with. Support them! Also, they generally make it easy for you to give. Most of the larger employers have payroll-deduction programs for donations to United Way.


You local schools can always use a little help. Most schools have a parent-teacher association (PTA) that has an annual fund drive.

If the parents who send their children to public schools would pay as much attention to the school as the parents who send their kids to private schools do, the schools would get a lot better, fast.

If the people who do not have kids in school would realize that their retirement moeney (even if it comes from private investments in 401(k) funds or stocks) depends on the children who are in school today being able to hold productive jobs, they would support the schools a lot better, too.

And just a hundred dollars per student channelled to classroom teachers outside of the county or school district budget makes the teachers feel so much more appreciated and helps them stay motivated.

Public Broadcasting

Public broadcasting consists of Give to your local station. If you don't know what they are, or if you have any, turn on you FM radio, set the dial at the left end of the scale (87.9 MHz) and slowly turn to the right. Anything you find to the left of 92.0 is non-profit. (A few are at other frequencies, also.)

This is where you find classical music, jazz, radio drama, and the very best national and international news coverage. It exists only because of gifts from you and me (and the occasional one from widows like Joan Kroc who recently gave NPR a $230 million endowment in her will when she died).

Give to your local station.

International Rescue Committee

One of the best refugee support organizations in the world. Their expense ratio is very good. They are also a major vehicle for US Government assistance to refugees in war zones around the world.

Report card on Give.Org

Cal Farley's Boys' Ranch

Cal Farley's Boys' Ranch, Girls' Town and Family Program in Amarillo, TX is sort of what an old-fahioned orphanage always wanted to be. It caters to children from at-risk backgrounds in an atmosphere of a working ranch and a family setting with houseparents, school and church. Although these people are firmly in the "Christian" camp, they are not obnoxious about it, and they are eager to share news of the ranch with contributors, and invite you to visit when you are in the area.


Report card on Give.Org

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